Sacroiliac Joint is a Common Cause of Lower Back Pain

Low Back Pain is on the Rise

Low back pain in the general population has dramatically increased over the past 20 years. It is so widespread, in fact, that it comes as the second leading cause of lost work days and the second most frequent symptom-related reason for a physician visit. Due to the increasing demand for low back pain relief, research investigations have grown over the past years to learn more about its nature, including its causes and mechanisms of injury, with the intention of formulating effective methods of treatment it.

Sacroiliac Joint is On the Rise

At present, low back pain is one of the most studied diseases in mainstream medicine; however, pain arising from the sacroiliac joint continues to be one of the misunderstood and misdiagnosed medical conditions. This is concerning, and the statistics would tell us why. In 1995, Schwarzer and colleagues estimated that 13 to 30% of those with low back pain and buttock pain have sacroiliac joint injury. The orthopedic community believes that pain in the sacroiliac joint is a diagnosis on the rise.

Individuals with sacroiliac joint injury usually report pain in the lower back, radiating down to the buttock and to the back to the thigh. Some patients report pain in the groin area. The pain arising from the sacroiliac joint may be likened to sciatica.

Complexity of Back Pain

The back is an intricate structure of bones, muscles, and other supporting tissues. It is inherently designed to provide support to head and upper body in sitting and standing positions. It is because of its complexity determining the exact of source of pain can be difficult even for the most experienced health care professionals. With a thorough history and conduction of specific maneuvers, an accurate diagnosis is probable.

How to Overcome Sacroiliac Pain

A right diagnosis and well-structured treatment program can lead to pain control and possibly, total pain relief. Sacroiliac joint injury, similar to most cases of low back pain, is initially managed by conservative methods, such as activity modification, pharmacological agents, cold and heat application, rest, and exercise. A surgical procedure may be considered, but this intervention is rarely prescribed.

The most feasible and cost-effective treatment options for sacroiliac joint pain are discussed in this blog Although each of the modalities of treatment listed earlier is essential in managing sacroiliac joint pain, the main focus of this book is set on performing safe, simple, and effective exercises to relieve pain. Exercises cannot promise instant pain relief, but with compliance, utilization of correct techniques, and patience, substantial and long-term positive changes can take place.

Sacroiliac Pain and Exercise

Pain of sacroiliac joint origin may be tolerable at first. However, similar to most cases of chronic low back pain with well-established causes, injury and pain involving the sacroiliac joint may progress if the right treatment approach is not employed on time. Sacroiliac joint pain may not be an emergency or a life-threatening medical condition, but it deserves to be brought to your attention because treatment options do exist for this condition.

Rick Kaselj, MS